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Payment error

If your payment fails, you’ll be sent a notification via email with information and on how to resubmit payment. Please find below the common reasons for a failing payment and what we recommend you to do.

Common Failure reasons and what to do:

Insufficient funds
We’ll email you letting you know the payment was declined due to insufficient funds and you can resubmit payment once sufficient funds are available.

Invalid account
Make sure you’ve entered the correct payment information when making a payment. If your payment information is entered incorrectly, we’ll send you an email notification.

Card not supported
Your card does not support this type of purchase. Please contact your card issuer to make sure their card can be used to make this type of purchase.

Do Not Honor
The card was declined for an unknown reason. You will need to contract your card issuer for more information.

Technical error
Try the steps below if you encounter a technical error when trying to make a payment.
- Close and reopen your browser
- use the most up-to-date browser version
- clear you cookies
- make sure you aren't using a restricted network