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How approvals work

Suave does not approve 100% of all orders and our aim is to support responsible, ethical and sensible spending habits.

When you are approved for a Suave order, a number of factors are taken into account:
Current economic condition; eligibility criteria- which include things like your salary, employment time,age,location, your payment history with Suave, and how long you had an account.

You may already have a Suave order but not be approved for another order right now. For example, if you have taken on more debt elsewhere or have missed a payment with us, you might need to wait a while to get approved.

How can I increase my eligibility ?
- Length of time you have been a Suave customer may increase your limit. A good payment history can improve your chances of being approved
- If you still have balances of unpaid purchases, it would be beneficial to pay them off to possibly increase your spending limit.
-The total amount in the shopping cart may be too high, so try to remove and item(s) and try again.

Good to know:
- Each purchase is a new decision; one rejection does not mean that your future purchases will always be declined.
- Attempting too many purchases in a short amount of time may result in being rejected.
- The approval decision is not based solely on salary, but rather multiple internal data points such as payment history.
- The card holder's name has to be the same as the payslip.

- Risk factors for payments are compared to payments across the card network.
    1.Previous disputes from your IP Address.
    2.Previous early fraud warnings.
    3. Authorization rate for transactions associated with your email & IP Address.
    4. Number of declined cards previously associated with this email ( last 7 days)

If your application can’t be approved, we hope you’ll give us another chance in the future. If we can’t approve of you, we will send you an email which will say a bit more about why we made the decision we did.