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Adding instructions on delivery

You can add delivery  instructions from the checkout page.

  • From the checkout page: Click or tap the notes section, review items and add instructions

  • After you ordered: Visit the Order page to review your items and add any instructions

    Your delivery driver sees these instructions when they start heading your way.

Useful info to include—

  • Parking locations

  • Building security or gate information

  • Specific directions for hard-to-locate front doors

  • Any markers on your home that might help us find the best entrance

Delivery  instructions carry over to future orders. If your delivery notes change, make sure to review your notes when ordering the same items in the future.

During checkout, you can request the order be left at your door if you're not around. This option will notify us that  it’s an unattended delivery and prompt them to take a picture of the order at your door before they leave.  

Please note— If you choose for your order to be left unattended, you accept full responsibility for the order after it has been delivered, including any loss due to theft or temperature sensitivity damage.